Happy Things

Sunshine, jogging, kerning, instant cameras, dark coffee, grids, yellow, new solutions to old problems, the most for the least, four legged buddies, cheese, thinkers, listeners, doers

I’m All For It

Education, conservation, sustainability, free range, getting it local

My Heros

Teachers, artists, Sir David Attenborough, Josef Albers, Mark Rothko, Edward Tufte, Doyald Young, Wassily Kandinsky, The Eames (P.S. Ray Eames is a woman y'all)


My interest in combining aesthetics and functionality led me to the Design department at U.C. Davis. I graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Design (Visual Communication) and Art History. Combining the two majors taught me the value in understanding a subject through focused research and gave me insight into how creatives and their work have been interpreted throughout history. This background has provided a strong foundation for building cohesive projects with pointed communication and depth of character.

I thrive working with projects that create cohesive user experiences incorporating visual identity design, user interface design, branding, front-end development and a variety of and marketing materials. I feel the more you know about the mediums through which a design can be expressed, the better equipped you are to design a pointed solution for it.

I currently work as a Visual/UI designer with a strong front-end development skill set in the San Francisco Bay Area.